
Aqua Glow

3-in-1 Skin Hydration

What is AQUA GLOW (AG)?

3-in-1 Skin Programme for cleaner, brighter skin

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    HydraFacial: Deep Cleansing, Exfoliation, Extraction, Hydration
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    Clarity Laser Toning: Q-switch laser for pigmentations & uneven skin tone
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    Omega Light: LED Skin Rejuvenation Therapy
woman closing eyes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Aqua Glow

The Hydrafacial Treatment is NOT a facial. HydraFacial uses patented technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate. HydraFacial serums are made with various ingredients to achieve results to rejuvenate and protect your skin. As the Hydrafacial handpiece passes across the skin surface, patented vortex suction helps to remove dead skin cells accumulating on the surface. It also helps to remove excess sebum, leftover makeup and sunblock in the pores.

By exfoliating dead skin cells, signals are transmitted to the lower layers of the skin which then producing new skin cells which eventually move to the surface.

By removing the dead skin cell layer, serums used in the procedure and subsequent skincare products can be absorbed deeper into the skin for more effectiveness.

The advantages of the HydraFacial treatment :

  • Suitable for all types of skin color
  • Suitable for an active lifestyle (since not a laser treatment)
  • No pain or downtime
  • Immediate improvement of skin texture
  • Can be done weekly for the initial treatment, then monthly for maintenance
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